Review of Pic Scanner by TechnoTreats blog:
Pic Scanner – Digitizing Your Old Photos is Easy!
My mother produced two big plastic bags full of photo albums and loose photos, negatives…memories of a lifetime. ‘I’ll scan and save them all in an online album,’ I assured her.
Five years later, I had scanned probably about 15 of those photographs. It was just too tedious a task.
And then, I discovered Pic Scanner. It’s not like other scanner apps where you have to scan one photo at a time. Not like those old fashioned desktop scanners that need you to take crumbly old photos out of albums for scanning. It scans four photos at a time – loose photos as well as entire album pages. It automatically separates and saves those photos. Oh, and also enhances them!
It comes in two versions – a basic one called Pic Scanner (which I found to be good enough for my simple needs) and a “pro” one called Pic Scanner Gold (with many fancy, snazzy features. I may upgrade to it later, but making do with the basic one for now).
Read my review of Pic Scanner below: